I will inaugurate this web/portfolio with one of my very first complete 3D work, my intention with this blog is to show my personal work and share tips or video tutorials of the stuff I learn on this planet, thanks for reading.
Original post:
A team of archaeologists make a shocking discovery, a strange signal came from an uknow artifac. another species is found near the artifact, is the owner? another explorer?
funstuff search the ten signs, there are 10 🙂
the cgsociety challenge lasted 60 days, I worked on this piece two and a half hours every day before I go to my actual work (except weekends). This is my first complete 3d work, allways doing test or some one else work, I take this oportunity to do the thing I like the most, fantasy concept art.
is pure 100% lightwave, 99% procedural textures, fog and clouds with hipervoxels render time aprox. 3hs (3200×1800) minor color correction in photoshop, bloom, and flares.

close up


WIP video
CG Society – Challenge – TEN – ARY3D from David Aguero on Vimeo.